• drop from the sky

    Coming from a strong blues & soul background while melting in elements of rock, latin, country, African, Irish and Native American influences, this band is unafraid to explore the human condition and throw down hard. JD&XB also covers classic Electric/Acoustic blues, well and lesser known rock, soul and pop from the 40's till today". Songs everybody knows + great undiscovered gems
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Latest album

drop from the sky

  • Released
    July 2011
  • Blues/Rock/Soul/Roots


A different
kind of music

Jack Davis and Crossbite is an original, high energy band with a unique approach. Coming from a strong blues & soul background while melting in elements of rock, latin, country, African, Irish and Native American influences, this band is unafraid to explore the human condition and throw down hard. JD&XB features one of NYC’s best rhythm sections and is fronted by Jack on vocals, trombone, congas, bodhran and lyrics.

Also covering classic Electric and Acoustic blues, well and lesser known rock, soul and pop from the 40's till today". Songs everybody knows + great undiscovered gems

upcoming show

the bitter end
New York, NY


Sunday to Wednesday
July 23 to 26, 2017

Catch us at our next gig

May 30th at the Bitter End

stay in touch

  • Booking

    Jack Davis T+(646)361-5499

  • Press

    Jon Ezzard T+(646)596-2241

  • info

    Jack Davis T+(646)361-5499